Are you looking for information on a term that you read on your electric bill? You are in the right place. You will find a glossary of terms below. 

Glossary of Terms

Program Charge: A monthly non-taxable charge mandated by the State of Wisconsin that funds energy efficiency
and low-income energy assistance programs. This is not a Dunn Energy Cooperative charge.

Fixed Monthly Charge: A cooperative member’s share of the fixed costs represented by poles, wires, transformers, metering
devices, substations, etc. that are needed to provide electricity to you when you wish to use it.

Operation Round Up: A program implemented by Dunn Energy Cooperative to provide financial support to not-for-profit
organizations within the DEC service territory. You have the option to opt-out of the program with a simple call to our office.


Energy Charge: The number of kilowatt hours you consumed for the month and the respective charge for those kilowatt hours.